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get an insider's view of an oil platform in the gulf of mexico

virtual reality tour of an oil platform

Take a tour of Jack/St. Malo, Chevron's signature deepwater project in the Gulf of Mexico.

viewing instructions

at a glance

Jack/St. Malo is the culmination of a global team, technology advancements, superior planning and project execution. The numbers behind the platform add up to an impressive list of facts.
Offshore jack/st. malo platform infographic showing impressive facts.

behind the scenes the making of

From the rigging of cameras to capturing employee reactions, watch what goes into the making of a virtual reality video.
behind the scenes the making of

our people

Jack/St. Malo is powered by innovation, and the people behind that innovation – with a commitment to get results the right way. The story of our platform isn’t just a technology story, or just a people story – it’s both.
from offshore platform to people infographic

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