Chevron is taking steps to help protect the environment where we operate. We do this by stewarding our water usage, integrating biodiversity into our decision making, reducing waste and managing air emissions from our operations.

“Through efforts large and small, we’ll continue to advance how we help to protect the environment and deliver energy.”
Mark Nelson | Vice Chairman

stewarding water management
Water is vital to our operations and the communities where we operate. That’s why we’re focused on efficient and responsible water use, reuse, recycling and conservation. But we can’t do it alone. Close collaboration with stakeholders is important to strengthen our water stewardship.
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building up biodiversity
Chevron recognizes the importance of biodiversity. We work with communities, regulatory agencies, industry groups and conservation organizations to support efforts to protect ecosystems where we operate. Our aim is to develop an understanding of potential risks and use mitigation to avoid, reduce, restore or offset potential impacts on biodiversity.
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reducing waste material
We are working to improve waste management and reduce associated potential environmental, health and safety impacts.
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managing air emissions
We seek to find and use technologies that help reduce emissions of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds. We monitor air dispersion to help better understand emission sources. And we share best practices across our operations.
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