people and community
PRIDE network expands to latin america
2 min read | june 06, 2024
Since 1991, Chevron’s PRIDE network has grown to include approximately 2,500 members from more than 40 countries.
Agustin Alonso says he has been the target of discrimination based on sexual orientation outside of work, but never at the office.
And he wants the workplace to be a safe place for others as well. So Alonso, a Chevron talent acquisition specialist based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, was happy when Chevron expanded its PRIDE employee network to Argentina and Brazil.
agustin alonso
chevron Argentina talent acquisition specialist
moment of PRIDE
Chevron is recognized as a leader in LGBTQ+ inclusion—it has championed the rights of its LGBTQ+ employees for more than 30 years.
The PRIDE network has chapters in the U.S., Europe, Asia-Pacific and now South America. Its vision is to foster an environment where Chevron’s LGBTQ+ employees are unafraid to be their authentic selves.
why it matters
LGBTQ+ supportive policies and inclusive workplace cultures are linked to less discrimination and more openness about being LGBTQ+.
Less discrimination and more openness are, in turn, linked to:
- Improved workplace relationships
- Increased job satisfaction
- Better employee health
- Increased productivity

employee network
Chevron’s PRIDE (Promote Respect, Inclusion and Dignity for Everyone) employee network has chapters in the U.S., Europe, Asia-Pacific and now South America.
outside the office
At oil and gas companies like Chevron, work isn’t restricted to office spaces. Many workers are based at refineries or production facilities. The PRIDE network aims to extend its support of frontline operations and facilities by hosting future events at these locations.
Recently, the PRIDE network’s Brazil chapter promoted an engagement session to educate operators at a Chevron Oronite plant about psychological safety and stereotypes, with a focus on LGBTQ+ issues.

The PRIDE employee network’s first South American chapters are in Argentina and Brazil.
extending the reach
Rafael Ferreira, who helped launch the Brazil chapter, said expanding the PRIDE network was a way of improving workplace diversity and inclusion.
“I felt so honored to be a part of this expansion,” he said. “I’m part of the community, and it makes sense for me.”
rafael ferreira
petroleum engineer
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