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emissions solutions

expo spotlights transportation emission reduction solutions

2 min read | july 07, 2023

Chevron marketing employees, Lulu Huang and Kevin Waterman, at the Advanced Clean Transportation Expo.

Chevron’s efforts to reduce the carbon intensity of transportation fleets were highlighted during a recent industry conference.

Dr. Nuray Elci, general manager of renewables, shared our focus on developing new lower carbon liquid and gaseous fuels while speaking at the Advanced Clean Transportation Expo in Anaheim, California.

“Achieving a lower carbon future that serves all people requires ambitious innovations and pragmatic solutions that deliver measurable results,” Elci told attendees. 

“Our actions will make energy and global supply chains more sustainable, helping industries and customers who use our products advance a lower carbon world.”

dr. nuray elci

general manager of renewables

a joint journey

While participating in a mainstage executive roundtable with an audience of more than 3,000 people, Elci noted that no one company, industry or country acting alone can meet the world’s energy needs. The panel discussion between leaders from the U.S. Department of Energy, ChargePoint, Ford Pro, and Southern California Edison gave the audience multiple perspectives on the future of commercial transportation.

Elci spoke about the value of partnership in delivering progress today, referencing some of our own joint efforts. For example, we are:

  • Supplying fuel linked to renewable natural gas (RNG) to power a portion of Walmart’s commercial truck fleet in California.
  • Working with Toyota to explore a strategic alliance to catalyze and lead the development of commercially viable, large-scale businesses in hydrogen.
  • Co-developing and constructing hydrogen fueling sites in California with Iwatani Corporation of America.

Earlier this year we finalized the previously announced acquisition of Beyond6, LLC and its nationwide network of compressed natural gas stations.

“In partnership with our customers and our stakeholders, our industry can play a major role in delivering progress today. Our products and solutions are complimentary to each other because we know that not any one solution will fulfill the needs of all customers.”

dr. nuray elci
general manager of renewables

time to act

The expo was held in early May to discuss the trends, infrastructure and technologies shaping clean transportation.

As a platinum sponsor of the event, attended by more than 13,000 people, Chevron shared our message that we can meet our customers on their lower carbon journey with a suite of solutions for today and tomorrow. We are:

Elci said the time to act on transportation emissions is now.

“Over one million people live in some level of energy poverty today—emerging economies need affordable energy, and developing economies need secure, reliable energy,” she said. “Our focus is on developing lower carbon intensity liquid and gaseous fuels, which can be produced using today’s infrastructure and can reduce lifecycle emissions in existing fleets.”

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