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emissions solutions

reducing methane emissions, one fix at a time

2 mins read | december 13, 2023

If a methane leak is detected, the next step in Chevron’s find-and-fix approach is deploying workers to repair.

Josh Hays’ search for the right job took him across state borders and industries before he finally found it in New Mexico.

His work in the Permian Basin involves helping meet the world’s growing energy demand. Hays’ specialty is repairing methane leaks identified by Chevron’s emissions mitigation program.

“I love working with my team and the enthusiasm we share for protecting the environment,” said Hays, a Chevron maintenance planning team lead. “It’s a great feeling to finish work at the end of the day and know you’ve made a difference.”

“It’s a great feeling to finish work at the end of the day and feel like you’ve made a difference.”

josh hays
maintenance planning team lead

the fixers

Chevron deploys technology to help identify local methane leaks. Hays and his team are the ones called when a local methane leak is identified.

They begin by isolating the emission source and, if it’s a small and relatively simple fix, repair it on the spot.

Sensor-equipped cameras are among the tools used to detect and visualize emissions.

Sensor-equipped cameras are among the tools used to detect and visualize emissions.

In more complicated cases, such as those involving automation or requiring permits, special crews are called to assist.

“Workers on the ground care about detecting methane because it helps us become part of the solution,” Hays said.

why it matters

Leak detection and repair campaigns are among numerous efforts energy companies are making to drive down methane emissions.

Methane is the second-most-common greenhouse gas released by human activity. The oil and gas industry accounts for 24% of these emissions.

more on that

Chevron has previously detailed the use of drones, satellites and airplanes to spot methane emissions and help inform and prioritize repairs.

In the Permian Basin, Chevron conducts frequent on-the-ground and aerial monitoring. Leak repairs are prioritized based on safety and environmental considerations.

“We need our legacy assets to be able to continue producing. We need to be able to utilize what we still have, while ensuring it’s safe and efficient.”

josh hays

maintenance planning team lead

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