lubricants and base oils
Chevron provides finished lubricants and premium base oils to commercial, consumer, industrial and marine customers worldwide.

a global line of
finished lubricants
Our line of solutions–including Havoline® and Delo® products–are helping customers across multiple industries. Sold worldwide under our Chevron®, Texaco® and Caltex® brands–these premium products can help improve or maintain fuel economy.
chevron premium lubricants
We’re dedicated to developing innovative solutions for consumers in the future. From construction and mining to power generation and gas compression, we have solutions for many industries.
chevron marine lubricants
We provide a wide range of marine lubricants solutions to fleets globally, including reliable products, user-friendly designed services and innovative technology.
a leading global
producer of base oils
Formulated to meet some of
the world's toughest industry standards.
Chevron base and process oils are characterized by their performance and color stability.
base oils
We are one of the largest producers of premium Group II and Group III base oils with a global slate of products. Our base oils are suitable for more than 90% of the world’s formulating needs for automotive and industrial lubricants. We work closely with additive companies, original equipment manufacturers and industry groups in developing formulations that are working to meet approvals for the latest industry specifications.
process oils
Paramount™ and ParaLux® paraffinic process oils are produced using our patented all-hydroprocessing technology and are characterized by a low aromatic content, better color and ultraviolet stability, as well as resistance to degradation from ultraviolet discoloration.